Can we combine Steel Frame with other construction systems?

In the world of architecture and construction, combining different construction systems is an effective strategy to address contemporary challenges. Integrating steel frame with other industrialized and traditional construction methods creates a synergy that results in faster, more cost-effective, and sustainable projects. Below, we explore the specific benefits of combining steel frame with other construction systems.

The Combination of Steel Frame with Other Construction Systems: Benefits for Architects, Developers, and Builders.

Steel Frame and Prefabricated Panels

1. Speed and Efficiency: Prefabricated panels, including facades and internal partitions, are produced in factories and transported to the site for assembly. When combined with a steel frame structure, the construction process is significantly accelerated.
2. Quality and Precision: Controlled manufacturing of the panels ensures high quality and precision, reducing the possibility of on-site errors.
3. Energy Efficiency: Prefabricated panels can include thermal and acoustic insulation, improving the building’s energy efficiency.


This combination is ideal for residential and commercial buildings where speed and precision are crucial. Prefabricated panels integrate perfectly with the steel frame, providing a fast and high-quality construction.


Steel Frame and 3D Modules

1. Quick Construction: 3D modules, which can include complete rooms with finishes, are assembled in factories and transported to the site for integration with the steel frame structure.
2. Standardization and Repeatability: This approach is ideal for housing projects, hotels, and office buildings, where repeatability and standardization are key to efficiency.
3. Reduced Environmental Impact: Modular construction reduces waste and environmental impact, as most of the work is done in a controlled environment.


3D modules are especially useful in projects requiring quick and efficient delivery, such as temporary housing, student accommodations, and hotel developments.


Steel Frame and Prefabricated Concrete Systems

1. Robustness and Durability: Prefabricated concrete provides additional robustness to the steel frame structure, ideal for high-rise buildings and complex structures.
2. Design Flexibility: The combination allows for greater flexibility in design, enabling the creation of unique architectural shapes.
3. Cost and Time Reduction: Pre-fabrication of concrete elements reduces construction time and labor costs, while the steel frame provides speed and lightness.


This combination is perfect for large-scale commercial and residential projects where a robust and durable structure is required.


Steel Frame and Bricks/Blocks

1. Traditional Aesthetics: Using steel frame for the main structure and brick or block walls allows maintaining a traditional aesthetic.
2. Thermal Comfort: Brick or block walls act as thermal mass, improving the building’s energy efficiency.
3. Construction Speed: The steel frame provides a fast and precise structure, while traditional walls can be added to enhance stability and insulation.


This approach is ideal for residential projects that aim to combine the speed of modern construction with the aesthetics and comfort of traditional methods.


Steel Frame and In-Situ Concrete

1. Design Flexibility: Using in-situ poured concrete along with a steel frame structure allows for creating unique and customized architectural designs.
2. Stability and Strength: In-situ concrete provides additional stability, complementing the lightness and precision of the steel frame.
3. Adaptability: This method is highly adaptable to different types of projects, allowing for greater creativity in architectural design.


The combination of steel frame and in-situ concrete is ideal for office projects, commercial buildings, and residential buildings where design flexibility and structural strength are priorities.


Steel Frame and Laminated Wood Structures

1. Aesthetic and Warmth: Laminated wood brings a warm and natural aesthetic to projects, complementing the steel frame structure.
2. Sustainability: Laminated wood is a renewable and sustainable material that, along with the steel frame, reduces the project’s environmental impact.
3. Lightness and Strength: Both materials are light and strong, facilitating the construction of efficient and durable structures.


This combination is ideal for residential and commercial projects seeking a cozy and natural aesthetic, such as single-family homes, office buildings, and commercial spaces that wish to stand out for their design and sustainability.


Steel Frame and SIP (Structural Insulated Panels) Systems

1. Energy Efficiency: SIP panels offer excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, significantly improving the building’s energy efficiency when combined with the steel frame.
2. Construction Speed: The pre-fabrication of SIP panels and their easy assembly with steel frame structures accelerate the construction process.
3. Strength and Durability: SIP panels, along with the steel frame, provide a robust and durable structure capable of withstanding adverse weather conditions.


This combination is perfect for residential and commercial projects seeking high energy efficiency and fast construction, such as low-energy homes, schools, and sustainable commercial buildings.



The combination of steel frame with other construction systems offers multiple benefits that significantly enhance the quality, sustainability, and efficiency of architectural projects. STALART, with its expertise in the steel frame sector, is at the forefront of this integration, providing solutions that meet contemporary demands for speed, precision, and sustainability. For architects, this synergy of construction methods opens up a world of possibilities, allowing for the design and construction of buildings that are both functional and aesthetically impressive, meeting the highest standards of efficiency and sustainability.

Are you interested in learning more about projects that combine Steel Frame with other construction systems?

→ See more projects.

Stalart, invited by Balzar Arquitectos, participates in one of the stops in Spain of Yijinspace.

Last Sunday, STALART had the honor of participating in the visit to Valencia by the distinguished Yijinspace group, composed of architects and designers from China, interested in firsthand knowledge of construction innovations and techniques in Spain. The visit focused on the Alfinach “Las Lunas” project, where the advanced Steel Frame construction system is used to build three luxury homes. For an hour, the architects and designers witnessed the advantages and processes of this construction method, guided by Manuel, the CEO of STALART, who was invited by Balzar Arquitectos to explain the system to the Yijinspace group members.

An International Encounter in the Heart of Innovation

The designers and architects, members of the prestigious Yijinspace platform, arrived with great anticipation at the Alfinach project. The delegation was welcomed by the team from Balzar Arquitectos, who are working closely with STALART on this project. Manuel, the CEO of STALART, was specially invited to provide a detailed insight into the Steel Frame system and its application in luxury construction.

Discovering Steel Frame: Advantages and Sustainability

The tour began with an in-depth explanation of the Steel Frame system, a method that has revolutionized dry construction using galvanized steel profiles. Manuel highlighted the numerous advantages of this system:

1. Durability: Structures made from galvanized steel are extremely durable, capable of withstanding strong winds and seismic movements, ensuring a prolonged lifespan without the need for constant maintenance.

2. Cleanliness and Order at the Site: One of the main advantages of Steel Frame is the cleanliness of the construction site. As a dry construction system, it minimizes the use of water and significantly reduces waste generation.

3. Speed of Execution: Thanks to planning and technological precision, the assembly of structures with Steel Frame is completed in record time, reducing construction timelines to one-third compared to traditional methods.

4. Sustainability: Steel Frame construction requires fewer natural resources, such as water and energy, and generates less waste, making this method a much more environmentally friendly option.

5. Design Freedom: The Steel Frame system offers architects great freedom in designing houses and buildings. The flexibility of steel allows for adaptation to various shapes and architectural styles, creating unique and personalized spaces without the structural limitations of other materials, as demonstrated during the visit to Alfinach.

On-Site: Observation and Learning

Throughout the site tour, the Chinese architects had the opportunity to observe the assembly and installation of the Steel Frame structures. Manuel explained each step of the process, from the fabrication of the profiles to their installation. The visitors showed great interest and asked various questions, which were answered in detail.

One of the most discussed topics was the durability of buildings constructed with Steel Frame. Manuel explained how the galvanized steel profiles, combined with precise structural design and careful assembly, ensure a robust and resilient structure over time. Additionally, emphasis was placed on the structures’ ability to withstand adverse weather conditions and their low maintenance requirements.

A Promising Future for Steel Frame

The visit concluded with heartfelt gratitude from the Yijinspace delegation members, who expressed their admiration for the efficiency and sustainability of the Steel Frame system.

This encounter not only strengthened the ties between STALART and the international architectural community but also opened new opportunities for collaboration and the expansion of the Steel Frame system into other markets. The visit was a success, once again demonstrating that STALART is at the forefront of modern and sustainable construction.

As a leading company in the Steel Frame system in Spain, STALART’s main objective is to promote this innovative construction method, highlighting its multiple advantages and contributing to the transformation of the sector towards more efficient and sustainable practices. At STALART, we continue to work to offer the best construction solutions, adapting to our clients’ needs and promoting sustainable practices that benefit both the industry and the environment.

We are excited about the future and the possibilities that open up thanks to collaboration and the exchange of knowledge on a global level.

The Future of Industrialized Construction: Trends and Opportunities in the Spanish Market

Industrialized construction is gaining ground worldwide, and Spain is no exception.

This method of industrialized construction is positioning itself as an efficient and sustainable solution to the traditional challenges of the sector. In this article, we will explore the emerging trends in modular construction and the opportunities it offers for the Spanish market, highlighting how industrialization, particularly the Steel Frame system, is transforming the construction industry.


Innovation and efficiency in industrialized construction

One of the main trends in industrialized construction is the adoption of advanced technologies that enable more precise planning and execution. Tools like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D design software are revolutionizing the way modules are designed and manufactured. These technologies not only improve accuracy and reduce errors but also enhance collaboration among all project stakeholders, from architects to engineers and builders.


Sustainability and waste reduction

Sustainability is another key factor driving the adoption of modular construction in Spain. Traditional construction methods generate a significant amount of waste and consume many resources. In contrast, industrialized construction, especially with Steel Frame systems, minimizes waste and optimizes material use. Steel Frame structures are recyclable, and their manufacturing requires less energy, significantly reducing the project’s carbon footprint.


Speed and flexibility in construction

Modular construction allows for a significant reduction in project execution times. By manufacturing modules in a controlled offsite environment and quickly assembling them on-site, construction times can be reduced by up to 50% compared to traditional methods. This efficiency not only speeds up delivery times but also lowers labor costs and minimizes disruptions at the construction site.


Opportunities in the spanish market

The Spanish market is witnessing growing interest in industrialized construction due to its multiple benefits. Developers and builders are recognizing that modular construction can offer fast and high-quality solutions for a variety of projects, from residential housing to commercial buildings and public structures. Additionally, with the increasing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings, Steel Frame systems are emerging as a preferred option for their durability and superior performance.

The Role of STALART in Sector Transformation

STALART is at the forefront of this transformation in Spain. With years of experience in the manufacturing and assembly of Steel Frame structures, STALART is leading the way toward more efficient, sustainable, and high-quality construction. Through technological innovation and a commitment to excellence, STALART is demonstrating that the industrialization of construction is not only viable but also an optimal solution for the sector’s challenges.

STALART: Advances and Achievements in the Steel Frame Sector in the Past Year

In the past year, STALART has consolidated its position as a leader in the Steel Frame construction sector in Spain.

It has achieved significant advances in digitalization, collaboration, structural calculation justification, fire resistance, and sustainability.

By obtaining prestigious quality certifications and executing high-end projects, STALART has demonstrated that industrialization can combine efficiency, customization, and luxury design.

Furthermore, its participation in key associations and the development of regulations have facilitated the inclusion of industrialized systems in public and private projects, opening new opportunities in the market.

1. Digitalization and collaboration:

– Digitalization: STALART has integrated advanced technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) and 3D software to design and optimize structures. These tools enable precise planning, reducing errors, and improving efficiency at all project stages.
– Collaboration: A collaborative work environment has been fostered, where different teams and construction systems work together to optimize results. This has improved communication and coordination, resulting in more coherent and higher-quality projects.

2. Structural calculation justification and fire resistance:

– Structural Calculation: Advanced methodologies and software have been implemented to justify and approve structural calculations, ensuring that all structures comply with safety regulations and standards.
– Fire Resistance: Intensive work has been done to improve the fire resistance of Steel Frame structures, increasing the safety and durability of the constructions.

3. Quality certifications:

– ISO 9001 and 14001: These certifications ensure that STALART meets high standards of quality in its processes and environmental practices.
– UNE EN 1090: This standard for metallic structures allows STALART to mark its products with the CE certificate, ensuring compliance with European regulations and increasing confidence in its products.

4. Sustainability certificates:

– LEED and EPD: STALART has obtained LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) certificates for its materials, reaffirming its commitment to sustainability and reduced environmental impact in its projects.

5. High-End projects and customization:

– Luxury Projects: STALART has demonstrated that industrialization can be applied to high-end projects, combining efficiency and quality with a high level of customization and aesthetic design. This includes luxury residential and commercial buildings where uniqueness and design are paramount.

6. Ecosystem and associations:

– Participation in Associations: STALART is part of associations and committees that develop regulations and guides for industrialization in construction. This includes collaboration with REBUILD and other organizations to promote sector improvements.
– Development of Guides: Contribution to the creation of guides that standardize and validate industrialized construction systems, facilitating their adoption in the market.

7. Financing and public works:

– Financing: Efforts have been made to overcome traditional difficulties in financing industrialized projects, working with financial institutions to close the gap in offsite construction financing.
– Public Works: STALART has influenced the creation of specifications and regulations that allow the inclusion of industrialized systems in public tenders, opening new opportunities for industrialized construction in government projects.


These advances not only position STALART as a leader in Steel Frame construction in Spain but also demonstrate its ability to innovate and adapt to market needs, offering sustainable, efficient, and high-quality solutions.

Overcoming urban challenges: STALART’s construction solutions for limited spaces

STALART para espacios limitados

In modern metropolises where every square meter counts, innovation in construction is crucial for maximizing available urban space.

STALART, a pioneer in the implementation of steel frame in Spain, stands out for its ability to transform small urban plots into functional and aesthetic developments. This news focuses on how STALART’s steel frame offers effective solutions for building in limited spaces, a growing need in densely populated cities.

Optimizing space with steel frame

Steel frame is an ideal solution for construction in urban areas with limited space. This technology allows STALART to build thinner and stronger structures without the bulky supports required by traditional methods. Thanks to the lightness and strength of steel, buildings can reach greater heights with less base material, thus maximizing usable space both horizontally and vertically.

A clear example of how STALART has worked in limited spaces is the project in Castellón de la Plana.

Key advantages of steel frame in limited spaces

1. Increased usable area: By reducing the need for thick columns and load-bearing walls, steel frame allows for greater utilization of interior space. This is crucial for projects where every square meter is valuable.
2. Design flexibility: The versatility of steel frame facilitates the implementation of complex and customized designs that adapt to site constraints and specific project needs.
3. Fast and clean construction: Prefabrication of steel frame components significantly reduces construction time and site impact, an important benefit in congested urban areas where every workday counts.
4. Sustainability: Steel framing is not only space-efficient but also sustainable. The materials are mostly recyclable, and the efficiency of the process reduces waste on the construction site.
5. Reduced foundation loads: Due to the lightweight nature of steel framing materials, the load on building foundations is significantly less compared to traditional concrete structures. This is especially advantageous in urban areas where soil may have limited load-bearing capacity or where underground conditions pose construction challenges. Reducing foundation loads not only allows for faster and safer construction but can also significantly lower construction costs.

Impact on the community and environment

In addition to optimizing space, STALART’s steel frame constructions have a positive impact on the community and environment. By reducing construction durations and using sustainable materials, disruptions to local residents are minimized, contributing to more responsible urban development.

STALART’s ability to implement steel frame in constrained urban environments not only demonstrates a commitment to innovation in construction but also reflects a proactive adaptation to the needs of modern urban spaces. With each project, STALART not only addresses the challenge of spatial limitations but also sets new standards for the future of sustainable and efficient urban construction.

Transformative collaborations: STALART and the fusion of engineering and innovative architecture.

On the cutting edge of the construction industry, STALART stands out for its innovative use of the Steel Frame construction system in Spain.

STALART is revolutionizing the way construction projects are conceptualized and executed through strategic partnerships with engineers and architects across the country. This collaborative approach not only fosters excellence in design and construction but also optimizes each project for optimal and sustainable performance.

Collaboration in industrialized construction

STALART has transformed the dialogue between architecture and engineering through its revolutionary approach that integrates BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology and advanced fabrication techniques using Steel Framing. This methodology not only ensures millimetric precision in projects but also reduces waste and improves resource efficiency. By collaborating with visionary architects, STALART turns innovative concepts into concrete realities, ensuring that these constructions are both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.

Landmark projects built with steel frame

One of the most notable examples of this synergy can be seen in the development of the spectacular 3 villas of Alfinach. For this project, STALART collaborated with the architectural firm Balzar Arquitectos to create a design that not only complies with strict urban regulations but also offers innovative design. The use of prefabricated facade panels and the implementation of advanced insulation systems are proof of STALART’s commitment to industrialized steel frame construction and energy efficiency.

Other noteworthy projects include Centro Deportivo de Pádel en París, la bodega Masos de Guadalest, o las casas flotantes de Polonia .

Technology and innovation

STALART’s collaborations focus on the innovative use of steel frame. This system allows the design of structures that are robust yet surprisingly lightweight, enabling rapid construction and reducing the impact on the construction site. The versatility of steel frame also allows for designs that would be difficult to execute with conventional building materials.

Sustainability: A key value at STALART

Sustainability is a cornerstone of every STALART project. The company is dedicated to minimizing the environmental impact of its constructions by using recyclable materials and systems that reduce the building’s energy consumption once occupied. This philosophy, shared by the architects and engineers we work with, not only responds to the growing global demand for sustainable construction but also sets new industry standards for sustainable development.

Education and training

STALART values education as an essential component for advancing the steel frame construction industry, as demonstrated in their work with GIPCE (Gremi de Promotors i Constructors d’Edificis de Girona) in Girona. The company develops training programs for architects and engineers, ensuring that professionals are well-versed in the latest technologies and construction techniques using steel frame, thereby promoting continuous innovation in the sector.

STALART looking towards the future

With a vision set on expanding its network of collaborations both in Spain and internationally, STALART demonstrates that borders do not limit innovation and excellence in construction.

The fusion of engineering and architecture in STALART’s projects represents a celebration of what is possible when creativity meets advanced technology. Through these transformative collaborations, STALART is not only building structures but also shaping the future of sustainable and efficient steel frame construction.

Advantages of the steel frame system for architects, developers, constructors, and end users

Ventajas sistema steel frame

In the current construction landscape, innovation and efficiency are crucial to meet the growing demands for sustainability, speed, and quality.

One of the construction systems gaining traction due to its numerous benefits is the steel frame, where STALART leads in Spain.
This method, utilizing steel frame structures, offers significant advantages for various stakeholders in the construction sector, from architects and developers to builders and end users.

Advantages of Steel Frame for Architects: Innovation and Design Flexibility

1. Millimeter Precision: Steel frame technology allows for impressive accuracy in construction, ensuring fidelity to the original design.
2. Creative Freedom: The versatility of steel allows architects to explore innovative and complex designs without the constraints of more traditional building materials.
3. Adaptability: This system easily adapts to different architectural styles and is ideal for varied environmental and geographical conditions.
4. Reduced Environmental Impact: Steel is a sustainable material, as it is fully recyclable. This feature enables architects to design projects that comply with the highest standards of sustainable construction, increasingly relevant in modern architecture.

Advantages of Steel Frame for Developers: Profitability and Market Value

1. Rapid Construction: Construction time is significantly reduced, allowing for a much faster return on investment.
2. Lower Environmental Impact: By generating less waste and using recyclable materials, steel frame projects are more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers.
3. Durability: Steel frame structures have a prolonged lifespan, increasing the long-term value of real estate projects.
4. Predictability and Control: Thanks to the precision in the manufacturing and assembly of steel frame, developers can better manage project risks, minimizing construction surprises that often cause delays and cost overruns.

Advantages of Steel Frame for Builders: Efficiency and Safety

1. Ease of Assembly: Prefabricated components are quickly assembled on the construction site, reducing construction times and labor costs.
2. Workplace Safety: The risk of accidents is reduced due to the lightness of the materials and less risky assembly processes.
3. Less Weather Dependence: Being a dry construction system, it is less affected by inclement weather, allowing year-round work.
4. Logistical Efficiency: Steel frame system components are prefabricated and delivered ready for assembly, minimizing disruptions on site due to cuts, adjustments, and material preparations typically required in traditional constructions.

Advantages of Steel Frame for End Users: Comfort and Sustainability

1. High Energy Efficiency: Homes built with steel frame are generally more insulating and energy-efficient, translating into lower energy costs for occupants.
2. Reduced Maintenance Costs: Steel’s resistance to corrosion, mold, and termites significantly reduces maintenance costs over time.
3. Acoustic Comfort: The steel frame structure, combined with adequate insulation, offers excellent soundproofing, enhancing comfort within the home.
4. Flexibility for Future Modifications: Steel frame structures allow easy modification and expansion in the future. This is a significant advantage for end users who may want to adapt their spaces to new needs without involving major construction or additional costs.

Adopting the steel frame construction system is a logical and practical response to the current demands of the construction industry. It not only provides an efficient and sustainable solution but also offers tangible benefits for everyone involved in the construction process. From the design phase to the lifespan of the structure, steel frame stands out as a superior option that aligns the needs of construction professionals with the expectations of end users.

STALART and Sustainable Construction

STALART y construcción sostenible

Do you want to discover the reasons why STALART is the most sustainable option for your next construction project?

At STALART, we offer a system that enhances sustainability in construction. Choosing steel frame as a construction method not only minimizes environmental impact but also ensures the safest and most efficient construction process.
STALART is committed to leading the shift towards greener buildings, merging the sustainability of steel frame with the efficiency of construction in the controlled environment of a factory. This synergy not only eliminates waste during the construction phase but also marks a significant step in reducing the carbon footprint of the industry, demonstrating why this combination is not only superior to traditional construction methodologies but also essential for the future of a healthier planet.
STALART y construcción sostenible
230m² House Transported in Two Trucks to the Construction Site

1. Benefits of Manufacturing Structures with Steel Frame

Factory construction emerges as a crucial pillar for more sustainable building, noted for its ability to drastically reduce waste generation compared to traditional methods.

Through detailed and precise planning by our engineers, this approach ensures waste minimization from the design stage. Manufacturing building components in a controlled environment achieves superior precision and accuracy, which in turn reduces errors and the amount of waste generated. This process not only cuts down waste in the production phase but also on-site, contributing to a cleaner and more efficient environment.

– Reducing Transportation

One of the key advantages of factory construction is the significant reduction in the need for on-site transportation. By delivering only what is needed, when it is needed, we significantly reduce vehicle emissions associated with material transport, reinforcing our contribution to reducing the carbon footprint.

Our steel frame system is especially beneficial in minimizing transportation during the various phases of material storage, handling during the construction process, and supply to the site.

– Efficiency in Construction Time

The effectiveness of factory construction is evident in the acceleration of the construction process, achieving time reductions of 20% to 40% compared to conventional methods. This speed not only means fewer disruptions in the environment but also a reduced environmental impact during the construction phase.

– Reduction in Labor

Incorporating factory construction processes results in a significant reduction in the need for on-site labor, achieving reductions of up to 60%. This approach not only optimizes the construction process but also contributes to a safer and more managed work environment.


2. The Transformative Impact of Steel Frame on Sustainable Construction

The adoption of steel frame structures is a powerful strategy for reducing resource consumption in construction. This material not only stands out for its combination of strength, lightness, durability, and recyclability but also redefines sustainability standards in the sector.

– Efficiency and Strength:

Steel frame is notable for its unprecedented strength-to-weight ratio, which allows achieving the necessary structural integrity with less material. This approach not only increases project efficiency but is also key to reducing global resource consumption.

– Recyclability:

With a recycling rate close to 90%, steel stands as one of the most sustainable materials. This contrasts sharply with wood, whose recyclability is more complex, especially if treated, not to mention that its combustion releases CO2. Therefore, steel frame stands out for its ecological advantages.

– Ease of Dismantling:

Intentionally designed for easy dismantling, steel frame structures promote a dry construction model, which facilitates assembly and disassembly while minimizing waste generation. This approach is not only sustainable but also reduces the lifecycle cost of the project.

– Environmental Benefits:

The implementation of steel frame-based solutions offers the possibility of significantly reducing the construction sector’s carbon footprint. Research suggests that these practices could reduce the construction carbon footprint by 44% by 2050.

Opting for steel frame structures promotes more efficient resource use and less waste production, leading the construction sector toward a greener and more eco-friendly future.


3. Revolutionizing the Industry with Steel Frame

With the construction industry as one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions—accounting for nearly 39% of them—and a major consumer of natural resources, the urgency to innovate towards more sustainable practices is clear. Habitat degradation, biodiversity loss, and soil disturbances are just some of the consequences of conventional practices.

The implementation of steel frame is presented as one of the most effective strategies to reduce these emissions, aligning with the European Union’s goals of cutting waste generation by 30% by 2030.


4. A Carbon-Neutral Steel Future

Our commitment to sustainability extends to the selection of materials, opting for Arcelor Mittal’s Magnelis steel for our structures, known for its commitment to reducing the carbon footprint. Today, it is already viable, through initiatives like xCarb™, to have materials certified as zero emissions, allowing companies like STALART to continue leading the way to a greener steel future, offering products that significantly reduce CO2 emissions.


Building with STALART is not just a choice for efficiency and sustainability; it is a step towards protecting the planet for future generations.

“Building has never been easier”

STALART shines at Rebuild 2024

This year, our participation in REBUILD 2024 has been very special.

Although we have opted for a different strategy than in previous years, since this time we did not have a physical stand, our active presence at the key events of the fair has demonstrated our commitment to innovation and sustainability in construction.

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From Tuesday, March 19, until Thursday, March 21, we had the privilege of sharing our experience and knowledge on the industrialization of construction through various presentations and forums. From the inspiring talk on “Industrializing facades” at the Alpac Innovation Theater to our participation in the Industrialization Challenge and the exciting discussion on “The New Resorts, High-End housing, and the role of industrialization”, each event was a unique opportunity to connect with professionals from the sector, exchange ideas, and explore the latest trends.

But beyond the conferences and presentations, our dinners and meals with clients and suppliers have been particularly meaningful moments. These informal meetings have given us the chance to strengthen existing relationships, establish new connections, and share perspectives on the future of sustainable construction.

We are immensely proud to report that our experience at REBUILD 2024 has far exceeded our expectations. We not only take away valuable contacts and promising projects but also renewed inspiration to continue driving innovation in our sector.

We sincerely thank all the professionals from the sector who joined us at these events and contributed to making REBUILD 2024 a resounding success. We say goodbye with the certainty that we will return next year, ready to continue building together a more sustainable and efficient future in the construction industry.


See you soon, REBUILD!

See you at the next edition!

STALART’s Schedule at Rebuild 2024

STALART, a pioneer in industrialized Steel Frame construction in Spain, will have a very active participation in Rebuild 2024.

With an intensive and committed schedule, STALART will be present at the leading event in innovation for the transformation of building construction on March 19th, 20th, and 21st, sharing their knowledge and experience in the industrialization of construction.

  • On Tuesday, March 19th, at the Alpac Innovation Theater in Pavilion 9, STALART will kick off its participation with the presentation “Industrializing Facades” from 3:30 PM to 3:45 PM. This meeting will focus on the latest innovations and techniques for the industrialization of facades, demonstrating how STALART is leading the way towards a more efficient and sustainable construction.
  • On Wednesday, March 20th, STALART’s agenda intensifies with two key events.
    • At 12:35 PM in the Cementos Molins Auditorium, we will participate in the Industrialization Challenge, a forum focused on providing industrialization solutions for new projects, which improve delivery times and the sustainability of new promotions.
    • Later, from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM in the Holcim Auditorium, we will present “The New Resorts, High-End Housing, and the Role of Industrialization,” a must-attend talk on how industrialization is redefining the concept of luxury housing and resorts, marking a before and after in the sector. In addition to STALART, speakers will include Porcelanosa Offsite, Peronda, Balzar Architects, and dtscreativo as moderator.
  • On Thursday, March 21st, STALART will make a special appearance in the “Global Vision” program on Intereconomía, in a roundtable format, which will be broadcasted on Friday, March 22nd. This media participation is a unique opportunity to share our vision and commitment to innovation in construction with a wider audience, highlighting the crucial role of industrialization in the future of building construction.

STALART invites all professionals in the sector, interested in sustainable construction and innovation, to join us at these events. It will be an exceptional opportunity to get a close look at the latest trends, technologies, and solutions that are transforming the construction industry.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this revolution at REBUILD 2024. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing together towards a more sustainable and efficient future in construction!